Platinum – Red Label Complete Supplement Packs may be helpful for supporting those in recovery from heroine and opiates.

Pro Recovery Rx  Platinum- Red Label is a revolutionary approach to nutritional supplementation for those experiencing the negative impacts most commonly associated with the use of opiates.

A unique feature of Platinum Red Label is the focus on the dopamine reward pathway. Often those that have abused opiates, heroin, methadone and suboxone have depleted dopamine. Red label is formulated to support the rejuvenation of the dopamine pathway, which is imperative to recovery. Most people who abuse opioids have feelings of discontentment, irritability and restlessness and our  Platinum-Red Label will support a smoother mood, improve energy and focus.

Platnium- Red Label is not only based on science but it is also a comprehensive, easy to use and easy to follow nutritional supplementation system.  Using Platnium- Red Label ensures that you don’t miss taking any necessary nutritional supplements thereby improving potential outcomes.

Complete Supplement Packs
(90 Capsule Packets)

Order your supply of Platinum – RED Label $299.00.
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Platinum Red Label Complete Supplement Packs

Order your supply of Platinum Red Label

Pro Recovery Rx ‘Platinum Red Label’ is a revolutionary approach to nutritional supplementation for those experiencing the negative impacts most commonly associated with the use of opiates.

Platinum Red Label is not only based on science but it is also a comprehensive, easy to use and easy to follow nutritional supplementation system.  Using Red Label ensures that you don’t miss taking any necessary nutritional supplements thereby improving potential outcomes.

Platinum Red Label Complete Supplement Packs may be helpful for:

  • Providing the building blocks for neurotransmitters, particularly the catecholamines (dopamine/norepinephrine/epinephrine)
  • Brain Health
  • Supports Steady Energy levels
  • Positive mental outlook
  • Healthy Response to Stress
  • GI Health
  • Liver Health
  • Lung Health
  • Maintaining a healthy immune system
  • Supporting healthy circulation
  • Protect the body from oxidative damage
  • A healthy inflammatory response
  • Antioxidant response
  • Optimal detoxification

When to Take Each Packet: Other amino acids compete with some Red Label Ingredients for absorption, so in order to effectively optimize its use, some individuals may benefit from taking each supplement pack separately from other protein-rich foods. Because of the stimulating effect of Red Label, it may impact sleep if taken too late in the day.  If this is the case, adjust the timing to meet your needs.

Interactions with Drugs: Due to competition for absorption in the small intestine, the supplement MaxElevate in Red Label may decrease the effectiveness of L-dopa (Levodopa). If you take L-dopa, wait at least 2 hours before taking MaxElevate. MaxElevate supplementation may also increase the effect of drugs that affect dopamine metabolism (consult with your health care practitioner).  For safety sake, take each packet 1-2 hours from any prescription medication.

Who Should Not Take Platinum Label? Platinum Label should not be taken by those with diagnosed with heart conditions including high blood pressure, schizophrenia, manic conditions, anxiety, insomnia, or cancer (including skin cancer), without consulting their health care practitioner. Red Label may interfere with the effectiveness of antipsychotic drugs.

*If any unwanted side effects occur, discontinue use and seek medical attention.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult with your healthcare practitioner about your specific circumstances and any questions you may have.