Platinum – Gold Label Complete Supplement Packs may be helpful for maintaining optimal overall health and wellness.
Pro Recovery Rx ‘Platinum – Gold Label is a revolutionary approach to nutritional supplementation for those wanting to sustain or improve overall health and wellness. One unique feature of Gold Labels the focus on supporting the nutrient cofactors that need to be in place for the neurotransmission process to occur. What we know is that the typical standard American diet has nutritional gaps. Supporting those gaps through solid supplementation is the first step toward overall health. The best part about Gold label is that you can use it for a lifetime.
Platinum – Gold Label is not only based on science but it is also comprehensive, easy to use and easy to follow nutritional supplementation system. Using Brain Basics ensures that you don’t miss taking any necessary nutritional supplements thereby improving potential outcomes.
Complete Supplement Packs
(90 Capsule Packets)
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Platinum Label Complete Supplement Packs
Order your supply of Platinum Gold Label
Platinum – Gold Label Complete Supplement Packs may be helpful for:
- Foundation Nutrition for a Variety of Protocols*
- Basic “Insurance” Formula for Wellness*
- Supports Antioxidant Protection*
- Supports Detoxification*
- Supports Health in Those with Poor Nutrient Intake*
- Supports Those with Stressful Lifestyles*
- Supports Bone and Dental Health*
- Supports Modulation of Immune Function*
- Supports Healthy Cell Differentiation*
- Supports Neurologic and Cognitive Health*
- Supports Musculoskeletal Comfort*
- Supports Cardiovascular Health and Healthy Blood Sugar Metabolism*
- Supports Vitamin D Repletion in Cases of Dietary Deficiency, Limited Sunlight Exposure, or Use of Depleting Therapies*
- Supports Bone Metabolism*
- Supports Bone Strength*
- Provides Micronutrients for Utilization in Bone Production and Structure*
- Helps the Body Generate Specialized Proresolving Lipid Mediators, Such as Resolvins and Protectins*
- Supports Cardiovascular Health*
- Supports Healthy Mental Functioning*
- Supports Healthy Glucose and Insulin Metabolism*
When to Take Each Packet: Take each packet as indicated
Interactions with Drugs: For safety sake, take each packet 1-2 hours from any prescription medication. Talk with your doctor before taking ProRecovery Rx products if you have an active prescription.
Who Should Not Take Gold Label? Gold Label should not be taken by those who are pregnant or nursing without consulting their health care practitioner. Gold Label should not be taken by anyone with a serious medical condition or who is on a blood thinner. Consult with your physician before taking this or any other product.
*If any unwanted side effects occur, discontinue use and seek medical attention.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult with your health care practitioner prior to use.
Multi Without Iron
Balanced Profile Vitamins and minerals work synergistically and cooperatively when present in proper amounts. However, imbalances between micronutrients can disrupt this synergistic relationship, possibly leading to instances of competitive intestinal absorption or displacement at the metabolic/cellular level, which can produce relative excesses and insufficiencies. For this reason, Multi Without Iron formulas feature a balanced nutrient profile that includes calcium and magnesium, zinc and copper, vitamins C and E, bioactive folate, vitamin B12, B vitamin complex, beta-carotene, and trace elements.*
Bioavailability- The micronutrients are provided in bioavailable forms so that they can be better absorbed and utilized. Multi Without Iron formulas contain a full complement of Albion® patented mineral chelates and complexes. Albion is a recognized world leader in mineral amino acid chelate nutrition and manufactures highly bioavailable nutritional mineral forms that are validated by third-party research and clinical studies. Not only do these formulas contain natural vitamin E, which has been proven to be up to 100% more bioavailable than synthetic dl-alpha-tocopherol, but it also provides mixed tocopherols to more closely approximate how one might consume vitamin E in healthful foods.[9,10] Folate is provided as 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF)—the most bioactive form of folate.[11] Multi Without Iron formulas feature 5-MTHF as Quatrefolic®, which is proven to have greater stability, solubility, and bioavailability over calcium salt forms of 5-MTHF. Vitamin B12 is provided as MecobalActive™. This patented form of methylcobalamin has very high purity; no harmful solvents are used in its production.[12] Vitamins B2 and B6 are also provided in activated forms.*
Energy Production Multi Without Iron formulas provide generous levels of B vitamins, which serve as prime coenzymes in glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation and as cofactors in amino acid and lipid metabolism. The balanced presence of B vitamins is essential to their cooperative functioning and excellent for those with stressful lifestyles.* Antioxidant Protection Vitamins E and C, selenium, zinc, beta carotene, and trace elements provide broad-spectrum antioxidant activity. Their combined presence supports their ability to regenerate each other and maintain consistent levels of antioxidant activity both intra- and extracellularly.* Detoxification Support Xenobiotics, including environmental pollutants and medications, must undergo biotransformation into molecules that can be easily excreted from the body. There are significant levels of bioavailable riboflavin, niacin, folate, and B12 present in these formulas to support phase I detoxification. Beta carotene, vitamin C, tocopherols, selenium, copper, zinc, and manganese are present to protect tissues from reactive intermediates formed between phase I and phase II detoxification.*
This high-quality, hypoallergenic, multivitamin/mineral blend includes activated vitamins; folate as Quatrefolic® (5-MTHF) for optimal utilization; and patented Albion® TRAACS® chelated mineral complexes in vegetarian capsules. The comprehensive nutrient profile in Multi Without Iron® supports foundational wellness; antioxidant activity with vitamins C and E, selenium, and beta-carotene; and phase I detoxification.*
MCHC plus Mag
Numerous published studies support the safety, tolerability, and bone health-related effectiveness of MCHC supplementation.[1,2] Studies suggest that the bioavailability of calcium from MCHC supplements may be as good as or better than the bioavailability of calcium from calcium gluconate supplements.[3,4]
PRx Products utilize standardized, safe, bovine-sourced MCHC from New Zealand, a country with stringent standards. Its production features a proprietary technique that preserves the bioactive contents of bone. This process creates a naturally balanced formula because whole bone extract provides all of the nutrients found in healthy bone.* Unlike other calcium supplements on the market, MCHC plus Mag consists of collagenous and non-collagenous proteins and peptides. These compounds include insulin-like growth factors I and II (IGF-I, IGF-II), transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta), and osteocalcin, factors that stimulate alkaline phosphatase activity and support metabolism in human bone cells.[5] Removal of the protein fraction appears to reduce the positive effects of the formula, highlighting the importance of its presence.*[6] A study suggested that the occurrence of positive and statistically significant changes in forearm bone integrity were the result of daily supplementation with 3000 mg of microcrystalline hydroxyapatite.[7]
Earlier studies compared MCHC plus Mag to other forms of calcium with regard to the support of normal bone turnover and bone mineral integrity. In one 20-month, double-blind study, women were given 1400 mg of elemental calcium (equivalent to approximately 5000 mg MCHC) as either calcium carbonate or MCHC plus Mag. At the end of the study, the presence of bone integrity was statistically significant in the MCHC plus Mag group.*[8] Clinical trials suggested that MCHC plus Mag supplementation was well tolerated and yielded a positive outcome for dental status, bone integrity, and healthy bone metabolism.[9,10] A randomized, controlled study indicated that the addition of MCHC plus Mag to exogenously administered hormones provided statistically significant support (4.7%, P<0.1) to vertebral bone mass.[10] Another study of 60 subjects suggested that bone mass was maintained while on MCHC plus Mag.*[11] MCHC plus Mag is high-quality MCHC from New Zealand. The World Organization for Animal Health (the OIE) has classified New Zealand as a “negligible BSE risk country,” the most favorable official classification a country can be given.[12] MCHC plus Mag is manufactured under proprietary processes that meet FDA, USDA, and EU regulatory requirements. Gentle processing is used to retain the delicate protein matrix and organic factors. X-ray-diffraction analysis confirms the microcrystalline structure. The MCHC is assayed for hydroxyproline content. The collagen content is greater than 22% with the majority being type l, the predominant collagen occurring in bone. Frequent heavy metal assays assure purity. MCHC plus Mag 1100™ delivers 1100 mg of MCHC plus Mag per capsule. MCHC plus Mag MD™ delivers 500 mg of MCHC plus Mag per capsule along with vitamin D, magnesium, and additional calcium. Vitamin D is provided as cholecalciferol, which stimulates intestinal calcium absorption and helps support calcium and phosphorus homeostasis in the body. Calcium is provided as MCHC and DimaCal® dicalcium malate, and magnesium is provided as Albion dimagnesium malate and TRAACS® magnesium bisglycinate chelate. The buffering malate forms of calcium and magnesium do not react with stomach acid and are less likely than carbonates to cause discomfort and acid rebound.*[13]
Omega Oil 900 TG
Affects the Production of Arachidonic Acid-Derived Eicosanoids* » Helps the Body Generate Specialized Proresolving Lipid Mediators, Such as Resolvins and Protectins* » Supports Cardiovascular Health* » Supports Healthy Mental Functioning* » Supports Healthy Glucose and Insulin Metabolism* Omega Oil 900 TG Fish Oils are International Fish Oil Standards (IFOS) five-star certified, which assures the highest level of purity, stability, and potency in fish oils. Each dose of these concentrated fish oils provides 600-900 mg of EPA and DHA and is delivered in a small, fish-gelatin–based softgel. With the exception of Omega Oil 900 TG 820, the softgels are covered with a GRAS-certified enteric coating so that they are easy to swallow and the EPA/DHA content is optimally absorbed. EPA and DHA from fish oil promote wellness by supporting cardiovascular health, cytokine balance, joint health, and brain and nervous system function.*
IFOS Five-Star Certified Purity and quality are paramount when selecting fish oil supplements. This is precisely why Pro Recovery Rx chose an Alaskan fish oil that is IFOS (international fish oil standards) five-star certified. IFOS is the only third-party testing and certification program for omega-3 fish oil products; it sets the gold standard for analyzing products for comparison to the highest industry standards with regard to contaminants, stability, heavy metals, and potency. Furthermore, IFOS provides detailed results for all testing categories for each individual lot tested. These assays are displayed on the IFOS website. [1] IFOS is exclusively focused on omega-3 fish oil products, and it has longstanding experience with testing fish oil at all points along the supply chain.
Five-star certification means: • Product complies with all CRN† /GOED††/WHO††† testing categories • Quantity of active ingredients matches the label claim • Oxidation level is below the CRN/GOED standard by at least 75% • PCB levels are below the CRN/GOED standard by at least 50% • Dioxin levels are below the WHO standard by at least 50% Source and Processing The omega-3 concentrate used in Pro Recovery Rx’s Omega Oil 900 TG line of fish oils is exclusively sourced from US-caught fish, namely certified sustainable wild Alaskan walleye pollock and Pacific whiting obtained from the cold, clear waters off Alaska. Freshly caught fish are processed within hours to make quick-frozen fish fillets. The result is exceptionally fresh raw fish oil.
To achieve the level of quality found in Omega Oil 900 TG fish oils, a series of critical steps are undertaken: (1) raw fish oil triglycerides are broken down into ethyl esters; (2) EPA and DHA are separated from other fats and concentrated through flash distillation; (3) cold extraction further concentrates the oil, resulting in up to 85% omega-3; (4) molecular distillation removes fishy odor and taste, resulting in extremely fresh oil; (5) PCBs, chlorinated organopollutants, and toxic heavy metals are removed through filtration; and (6) high purity products are packaged in 190 kg drums or 900 kg totes under inert gas. GRAS-Certified Enteric Coating Omega Oil 900 TG fish oils employ a fishgelatin—not a bovine-gelatin—softgel that is enteric-coated (except for Omega Oil 900 TG 820) and GRAS-certified to further guarantee quality.
The enteric coating helps ensure that the fish oils reach the small intestine before being metabolized, resulting in better delivery of actives to the intestines for absorption. This delivery may also reduce the occurrence of a fishy aftertaste.* Ethyl Ester Form Despite aggressive marketing claims to the contrary, a recent publication by Oelrich et al found that no significant difference in the effect on serum triglycerides was detected in patients taking triglyceride (TG) or ethyl ester forms of omega-3 supplements.[2] In the study, three fish oil supplementation forms were examined. The active therapy was 4 g/ day of combined EPA and DHA provided as: a 90% TG formulation, a 60% TG formulation, or ethyl esters (i.e., 0% TG).
In addition to the main finding, researchers also noted that the omega-3 fish oils provided in the ethyl ester form tended to have less impact on increasing LDL-cholesterol levels compared to the omega-3 fish oils delivered in the triglyceride form.* Health Benefits of EPA/DHA Research and studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids antagonize arachidonic acid-induced eicosanoid formation; help generate resolvins and protectins to aid the body’s “cleanup” response to the arachidonic acid cascade; promote neurological health and mental functioning; and promote cardiovascular health, a balanced immune response, and healthy glucose and insulin metabolism.[3-15] Research suggests that it takes 2 g/day of DHA supplementation over a period of a month to saturate the plasma and three to six months of supplementation to saturate the tissues.[16] Concentrations of DHA increased in breast milk within less than a week of supplementation.*[16]
Vitamin D3 2000
While vitamin D3 2000(cholecalciferol) is made in the skin when 7-dehydrocholesterol reacts with sunlight, many things affect the degree to which this biosynthesis occurs, including time of day, seasons, location, smog/pollution, clothing, shade of skin (darker skin requires more sun), and sunscreen use. Low-cholesterol diets and certain cholesterol therapies can also affect vitamin D formation. By some estimates, one billion people worldwide have vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency.[1]
Reversing deficiency and maintaining optimal serum vitamin D levels beneficially impacts biochemistry and numerous body systems; this is largely because calcitriol—the metabolic product of vitamin D—is a secosteroid hormone that targets over 200 genes in a wide variety of tissues.[2,3] As the research demonstrates, vitamin D is clearly imperative for the development, growth, and maintenance of a healthy body from gestation to senescence.* Bone Health The body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium, and the importance of vitamin D in skeletal health and bone density is well established. Although bone density is most often associated with calcium intakes, insufficient vitamin D negatively affects calcium absorption.[3] Without adequate absorption, the body must take calcium from its stores in the skeleton, which weakens existing bone and prevents the formation of strong, new bone.
Clinical research shows that taking vitamin D orally with calcium supplements can support healthy bone turnover[4-6], and adequate calcium and vitamin D throughout life—as part of a well-balanced diet—may reduce the risk of osteoporosis.* The Expanding Roles of Vitamin D The role of vitamin D in good health continues to expand as the knowledge of this vitamin’s effects on different body systems grows. Research now suggests that optimal serum levels of vitamin D support normal cell differentiation,[3,7] cardiovascular health,[2,3] normal immune function,[8] good balance,[2] healthy mood,[9] normal fetal development,[10] neuronal growth and neurodevelopment,[2,3,10,11] healthy glucose metabolism,[2,3] musculoskeletal comfort,[2,3] periodontal health,[12] and normal intestinal immune responses.[8]
Areas of research that have gained momentum over the past several years concern the relationship of vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency to changes in cellular proliferation, changes in fetal brain development, and mental health. [7,10,13-15] Evidence is also mounting that vitamin D supplementation may provide key immune support.*[16-19] D2, D3, and Metabolites As previously stated, D3 is the form of vitamin D produced in the skin. D2 (ergocalciferol) is derived from fungal sources by activating ergosterol with ultraviolet light. It is not naturally present in the human body. After vitamin D is formed in the skin or taken orally, it is metabolized into two different substances within the body: calcidiol (25-hydroxyvitamin D) and calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D). Calcidiol is the body’s main storage form of vitamin D, while calcitriol (made from calcidoil) is “activated” vitamin D. Although D2 and D3 are similar biochemically, a recent study reported D3 to be approximately 87% more potent in raising and maintaining serum calcidiol concentrations and in producing two- to threefold greater storage of vitamin D than did equimolar D2.*[20]
Multi w/o iron
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Omega Oil 900 TG
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Vitamin D3 5000
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Papadimitropoulos E, Wells G, Shea B, et al. Meta-analyses of therapies for postmenopausal osteoporosis. VIII: Meta-analysis of the efficacy of vitamin D treatment in preventing osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Endocr Rev. 2002;23:560-69. [PMID: 12202471]
Lips P, Bouillon R, van Schoor NM, et al. Reducing fracture risk with calcium and vitamin D. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2010 Sep;73(3):277-85. [PMID: 20796001]
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MCHC plus Mag
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Platinum – Gold Label FAQ
Why do I need Gold Label as a part of my addiction and mental health recovery?
There are many schools of thought when it comes to addiction and mental health recovery. What we are learning is that without good brain health your chances of relapse are greater. Many people have subscribed to the ‘white knuckle’ approach to recovery which is outdated. Thankfully science is beginning to catch up to the addiction recovery process. What we know is that through addiction your brain and body has been deprived of essential nutrients. This has impaired the neurotransmission process which is vital to recovery, mood, sleep, etc. You no longer need to ride out time in your recovery process. You can be an active participant fueling your brain and body with rich nutrition and amino acids so your recovery is balanced.
Pro Recovery Rx Gold Label helps you fill in the nutritional vitamin and mineral gaps so the brain recovery process after addiction is faster and more productive. This allows you to feel better in your recovery and focus on the things that matter most in your life.
What are some symptoms that might be helped by using Gold Label?
Gold label is not necessarily based on symptoms but rather on the maintenance of general health.
Who is Gold Label for?
Gold label was specially formulated for individuals who are interested in beginning a health journey or maintaining one. Gold label is the gold standard in nutritional supplementation for general health and well being. We suggest that you continue to use gold label after you have completed the other systems of recovery labels.
What should I expect from Gold Label:
Gold label fills in the nutrient cofactor gaps that are typically insufficient from the standard american diet. These cofactors are necessary for neurotransmitter balance.
What shouldn’t I expect from Gold Label?
Gold label is not a quick fix for a poor diet. Gold label is a supplement, not a replacement for food. Don’t expect miracles or weight loss from only using gold label. It is part of a lifestyle plan.
How will i know if its working?
Many people who struggle with addiction are looking for a quick fix or a short term solution to addiction. Gold Label will take some consistency on your part. Daily use of Gold Label will allow you to improve your health and possibly mental health from the inside out. It is part of a total lifestyle plan.
Will this give me a buzz?
No, the only buzz you will get from Gold Label is the internal hum of ‘all systems go’.
Will this help or hurt my sleep?
Because each packet is designed to balance neurotransmitters, your sleep should improve. The Gold Label formulation does not have a specific sleep formulation in them as not all people need or want that. If you want a sleep formulation please contact our support department.
Who should not take Gold Label:
Though vitamins and minerals are typically safe, there are some instances that you should not take them and consult with your medical professional.
Taking Blood Thinners
Low Blood Pressure
High Blood Pressure
Heart Conditions
Migraine Headaches
Bipolar tendencies
Overactive thyroid
Consult with your physician before using any supplements if you have any of the following:
If you tend to react negatively to supplements
You have a serious physical illness, particularly cancer
You have severe liver or kidney problems
You have an ulcer
You are pregnant or nursing
You have schizophrenia or other serious mental illness
You have phenylketonuria
You are taking any medications for mood problems, particularly MAO inhibitors or more than one SSRI/SNRI
Are there any negative side effects of Gold Label?
Typically there is not. However, if you feel overly anxious, jittery or just plain unusual, discontinue using immediately and seek medical attention. Also if you have trouble sleeping discontinue use, or change the time of day you take the packet.
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