Jenny FontanaJenny Fontana is an Internationally Certified Nutritional Therapist and Certified Food Addictions Coach.

A passion for good, wholesome food started at an early age and has continued throughout her life. Growing up with digestive disorders and skin issues, never healed after countless doctor visits and exacerbated by many prescriptions, led her to find more natural remedies and to the incredible healing properties of whole foods. After the birth of her first child, the importance of good nutrition as a nursing mom was made evident, and wanting to help other new moms, first led her to study nutritional science.

When Jen is helping clients, there is no ‘diet’ to follow. The goal is to simply build a healthy relationship with wholesome foods and allow your body’s innate wisdom to facilitate healing. No matter what your current state of health is, you can always improve, and good nutrition is the number one facet in achieving optimal health!

Jenny also serves as the Social Media Director at The Addictions Academy.
Her previous career in marketing and business relationship building has allowed her the ability to quickly form partnerships and multiple levels of contacts for The Addictions Academy.

Jenny has a growing experience dealing with many aspects of social media, including LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and Social Media Marketing Suites. She has a distinctive and growing background in marketing both business to business and direct to consumer. She is also responsible for all events, direct public speaking engagements for our faculty and she is the direct liaison to the press as our representative.

Jenny has been involved in marketing in the natural health field for over 6 years and previously held the position of Director of Community Relations for multiple locations of a distinguished chiropractic office.

She is also a Certified Chiropractic Radiology Technician.

Jenny is enthusiastic about helping others find their “most authentic self”, and this energy for helping others radiates through every aspect of her work and personal life. She is always assisting clients with food and nutrition choices and encourages others to live a healthy and exciting lifestyle.

Her presence at The Addictions Academy has garnered attention and she is well known at events and gives 110% enthusiasm every day and to every relationship that she builds.